Andre DeClerk Is Brilliant and Ignant


Andre DeClerk is the architect of Ignant management, a successful management company that offers management, artists and repertoire (A&R), playlisting and promotion services to aspiring independent artists. During the early stages of Ignant, Andre found himself providing advice to local artists on a consistent basis to the point where it quickly became noticeable that he was onto something BIG.

Through those experiences in dealing with artists and building relationships, Andre connected with Thee JAE to provide him with the management services that he requested and from that moment on, the team hasn’t looked back since. Today, Ignant management has a full roster of talented artists such as: Thee JAE, Yung Chico, Cole.45 and BeenHad.

As the team grows, so does Ignant management's status in the music industry.

Connect with Andre DeClerk and Ignant management on Instagram

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